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Visual Snow Syndrome Is a very rare and commonly an abnormality of our visual system which is sometimes misdiagnosed as a neurological condition. The symptoms of visual snow syndrome includes but not only limited to constant flashing or static dots throughout the visual field.

There are other associated symptoms may present and varies from patient to patient, which includes photosensitivity, photophobia, nyctalopia, photopsia, palinopsia. There is no known cause till date but as per the current researches & studies Visual Snow Syndrome may can be associated with other conditions as well which includes Migraines, Tinnitus, Anxiety, Depression, Concussion etc.

Many times patients with VSS may also exhibit extended range of associated symptoms which includes difficulty in concentration at task, brain fog, slow visual processing skills etc.

In recent past, there are several studies out there which shows that Neuro- Optometric Rehabilitation & Vision Therapy programmes are proven to be hugely benefitting the patients with VSS and reducing their overall symptoms and also improving their overall Quality of Life.

At Caring Vision we take a special approach to treat this condition with high success rate.

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