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Case1: autism spectrum disorder

Case1: autism spectrum disorder

Vision is a prime sense and 85%of learning comes through visual process, and it develops and comes through a learned process during early developmental phases of life. Autism Spectrum Disorders basically incident in the 1st -2 to 3 years of age with a known prevalence of 0.65 to 1 % in Indian Population.

ASD is classified as Neuro Developmental Disorder and as its incident in the very early phase of life, its majorly impacts the visual developmental process, that’s the reason many kids with Autism started lacking in proper development of eye contact, proper visual fixation along with altered visual seeking behaviours which also includes side gazing and side viewing. Reduced Eye Contact also impacts the proper development of Expressive and Receptive Speech as well as communication along with poor social skills.

Vision Therapy plays a vital role in proper development of these necessary visual efficiency skills along with Non Motor and Motor Visual Perceptual Skills which helps the child with Autism to gain improved Quality of Life so that they can achieve the best in their Life.

We at Caring Vision Therapy & Neuro Vision Rehabilitation Centre adopted a unique and customised vision therapy program for these kids with ASD which is specifically tailored to give the best results and outcomes in the areas of their difficulties.

Parent’s Testimonial : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“We are very happy with the changes we see in our son after 6 months of vision therapy with Dr Priya and Jyothi mam. Vision Focus and perception has improved and this is visible in his reading and writing skills. The centre in Chennai is pretty state of the art and has necessary equipment and logistics to conduct the sessions in a structured and systematic manner”


Case 2: Traumatic Optic Neuropathy

Case 2: Traumatic Optic Neuropathy

Today we are presenting a very different and one of the interesting success story of a 26 years old male who presented to us all the way from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.

He recently met with an accident in Varanasi and lost his almost complete field of vision in his Left Eye along with reduced Visual Acuity of 6/12 in Left Eye. He was diagnosed as Traumatic Optic Neuropathy of Left Eye. His Oculomotor Control and Visual Efficiencies were also reduced including fusional Vergence reserve. We gave him a very guarded prognosis and advised him to start with Our Vision Rehabilitation Program of 3 months.

Post 3 months of our therapy program his Functional Visual field has improved by 60% which is evident in our Functional Visual Field Charter and also his Threshold Visual Field oh HVF test has shown a overall gross enlargement of his visual Field along with visual field index of 58% (Pictures attached below) . His post VT visual acuity also improves to 6/6 in his Left eye. (More elaborated write up in Publication)

From the entire team of Caring Vision Therapy & Neuro Vision Rehabilitation Centre we congratulate him on his success     

Patient’s Testimonial : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I actually wanted to give 10 out of 5 stars but the option is not there!!….
So on February 28 I met with an accident that led me to Traumatic Optic Neuropathy so I had to rush to a big eye hospital in Chennai , Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi , Artemis in Gurgaon where I was told there’s no treatment that existed for this medical condition so I was told that now nothing can be done.
So on August 16 I visited Chennai to Caring Vision Therapy and I met Mr.Rabindra Pandey  and MS. Priya Pandey where I was told to stay here for a period of 3 months and had two sessions a days of vision therapy along with two sessions of Syntonics photo therapy.
When I started this vision therapy my visual acuity was 6/12 Partial and Visual Field Index was reduced to 12%.
So after I completed 3 months of vision, I got myself tested again and found out that my visual acuity was 6/6 partial and visual field index was increased to 58%.I will now be on online sessions with them.I really want to thank Mr.Rabindra Pandey for this great achievement of mine.

Case 3: Form Deprivation Amblyopia secondary to Traumatic Cataract

Case 3: Form Deprivation Amblyopia secondary to Traumatic Cataract

A wonderful heart touching and heart winning gesture by this lovely small kid who presented to us along with his parents all the way from Dubai with known case of unilateral Form Deprivation Amblyopia due to congenital cataract.

His visual acuity recorded was 3/60 post operative cataract surgery and was given very guarded prognosis for his future improvement and development.

With very limited hope his parents approached us for vision therapy and vision development program and upon initial consultation we asked the family to relocate to Chennai for few months to continue the treatment.

Now post 3 months of intensive vision therapy and vision development programme the child was able to regain his visual acuity of 6/12 in the Amblyopic eye within the time span of 3 months and still the treatment is going on.

We would like to thank him for this wonderful Greetings Card from the entire team of Caring Vision and also wish him a successful life ahead. We wish you many more success.

Patient’s Testimonial : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My son was diagnosed with posterior polar cataract , a rare form of congenital cataract, at the age of 4. After surgery his visual acuity was 3/60 and doctor advised to do patching daily . So we decided to do vision therapy as well and started with online session . Then we moved to Chennai for in office sessions which included Syntonics photo therapy. After 3 months of treatment his visual acuity has improved to 6/12 which is a very good progress in a short time span. And we will continue to do the therapy sessions online since we stay abroad.

Special Thanks to Rabi sir and Priya Mam who gave me the hope and confidence that it can be fully treated. We are very grateful to the team for the efforts they are taking for each child.

Thank you once again.

Patient’s Testimonial : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Case 4: Nystagmus

NYSTAGMUS is an involuntary eye movement which may cause the eye to rapidly move from side to side, up and down or in a circle, and may slightly blur vision.

Nystagmus is caused by a miscommunication between the eye and the brain and affects the way our brains interpret movement signals from the eye. Nystagmus is typically caused by brain injuries and is a result of brain damage. This eye condition may be referred to as “dancing eyes” because of the repetitive eye movement.

Here we are presenting a case of an adult with Form Deprivation Strabismic Amblyopia along with Nystagmus who had slow beating- medium Frequency High Amplitude of Latent Nystagmus who drastically improved too much controlled Fixation with our Nystagmus Treatment Protocol-post Vision Therapy and has also shown Significant Acuity improvement from 6/60 to 6/12P.

Case 5: Retinitis Pigmentosa associated with Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome (LMBBS)

We are extremely happy to share our another success story of our another case: A 26 yrs. old/ Female k/c/o of Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome (LMBBS) that is a rare autosomal recessive (AR) disorder associated with Retinitis Pigmentosa presented to us with a visual acuity of CF at 1/2 meters with visual field of less than 15° in both her eyes. Post 40 sessions of our treatment protocol which includes- Vision Therapy + Vision Rehabilitation + Optometric Syntonics Phototherapy her present visual acuity is improved to 2/60 along with wide open visual field of 40°+ in both of her eyes

Here from the entire team of Caring Vision Therapy Centre we congratulate her on getting better on her Vision day by day.

Patient/ Parents Testimonial: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Visited the clinic for my daughter, who is undergoing syntonic phototherapy under Mr.Rabindra and MS. Priya Pandey. I Am extremely happy with the attention given by them and their team who answer all queries patiently. There is personal attention given and the doctor’s know the patients performance on a daily basis. A lot of encouragement and motivation is given whilst doing the activity/therapy.

A definite recommendation for anyone requiring syntonic phototherapy”.

Case 6: Bilateral Homonyms Hemianopia post Stroke

Here is our another success story on

A 26 years old/ male presented to us
with a H/O -2 consecutive episodes of stroke, and lost his left side visual
field (Bilateral Homonyms Hemianopia) in both of his eyes, and had difficulty
with his smooth pursuit and Saccades eye movements. He also had severe balance
issues and visual midline shift present.

And here we are taking an opportunity
to congratulate him from the entire team of Caring Vision Therapy Centre on his


Patient Testimonial: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


I had stroke from Brain Aneurysm rupture which had affected my Left field vision due to which I wasn’t able to see the extreme left side when I look straight. Due to this issue, I faced lot of problems in my day to day activities. And then I read about Dr. Rabindranath and his clinic. After undergoing Syntonics therapy from him, I started seeing the difference in just 5 sessions. And within 10 sessions I was able to see drastic improvement in my vision field. I am so happy with my improvement. I still have long way to go, but Dr. Rabindra Pandey and his team proved that there is light at the end of the tunnel in my case and very thankful to Caring Vision team.”

Case 7: Squint & Amblyopia (Lazy Eye

Case 7: Squint & Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

Here is the another success story: 36 prisms of Alternating Exotropia ( Squint eye) with predominant in Right Eye along with Refractive Amblyopia to Ortho ( straight eye ) and 6/6 Vision in both eyes in about 3 months of Vision Therapy. Many congratulations to the little one for the effort you put through your Therapy hours and also many congratulations to the “Team Caring Vision Therapy Centre” for adding one more success to the list.

Patient Testimonial: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

My wife and I are so happy that we were able to find the best vision therapy in Chennai to treat my 4 year old daughter who had lazy eyes and the optometrists we consulted earlier said that the lazy eyes could not be cured and could only be treated with surgery. We were very much worried and wanted to explore alternative options prior to going directly for surgery. We came across ‘Caring Vision Therapy’ when my wife was searching in Google for a good vision therapy and read other reviews and their experiences.

Then we decided to visit the place and met Mr.Rabindra Pandey, who examined my daughter and briefly explained the problem to us and suggested that we undergo therapy sessions and monitor the progress during the recovery stages. We have begun therapy for my daughter and I can already see an improvement with her lazy eyes and she is learning how to better control her eyes. Mr. Rabindra Pandey and Mrs. Priya Pandey and their team are very friendly, caring, and positive, which gives us the confidence to undergo the treatment to cure the problem. We have seen great benefits from this facility and I recommend it to anyone who wants a friendly and effective treatment at an affordable price without having to undergo surgery or take medication. My sincere thanks to the entire team and I hope your service will heal many more children!

 Case 8: Intermittent Exotropia ( Squint)

 Case 8: Intermittent Exotropia ( Squint)

Here is the another success story of a 4 years old kid with high-frequency Alternating -Intermittent Exotropia of 35 prisms with alternating deep suppression.

Post Vision therapy she have developed good control over her deviation & achieved “Ortho” at Near and mild Exophoria at distance. She is still continuing her Vision Therapy and progressing day by day. From the entire team of Caring Vision Therapy Centre we wish her all the good success.

Patient Testimonial: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“My 4 yrs. old daughter was diagnosed with Intermittent Exotropia, we consulted few doctors and the only solution suggested by them were SURGERY. As parents we were stressed and all I could think of, was an alternative treatment to this problem, that is when I came across VISION THERAPY and I saw many videos that reassured that this method of treatment is effective, and that led me to CARING VISION THERAPY CENTRE.

. I took a chance and went there, and I am very happy to have taken that decision. The pillars of this centre Dr.Rabindra Pandey and Dr.Priya Pandey, are thorough professionals, they explain the problem and the treatment procedure very neatly. They and their team are extremely good with the kids, and handle them with so much care and patience. It’s just been 1 and half months and I can see a visible difference in my daughter. Their constant support and monitoring has definitely worked well. I am very thankful to the doctors and to the therapists Charu, Archana, Inba and Soundarya.”

Case 9: Vertical Tropia along with Esotropia (Squint):

Case 9: Vertical Tropia along with Esotropia (Squint):

And here is one more successful case added to the list and the counting goes on…

35 prisms of Infantile Esotropia with 10 prism of vertical tropia fully corrected to Ortho ( straight eyes) after 3 months of continuous effort. Many congratulations to the little kid on your accomplishments and congratulations to the team Caring Vision Therapy Centre

Patient Testimonial: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“We visited Caring Vision therapy centre before couple of months to treat my son eye alignment issue.

Dr. Rabindra and Dr.Priya very meticulously diagnosed and proposed for vision therapy to rectify Esotropia. Initially I was also sceptical about the output of this exercise and to my surprise I can see fantastic results.

The expert team of Doctors – Rabindra and Priya have

have extended their utmost care. Their relentless service & reassurance provided to my son during the entire course of treatment was highly appreciated by us.

The Supporting team and all staffs , were so helpful both to me and my son. I was able to be at peace without worrying much only because of their assurance that they are in the safe hand & in the safest place during this Pandemic situation with a complete care, best in treatment.”


Case 10: Partially Accommodative Esotropia (Squint)

Case 10: Partially Accommodative Esotropia (Squint)

Here is the another success story: 38 prisms of High frequency Alternating Esotropia ( Squint eye) to Ortho ( straight eye ) in about 8 months of Vision Therapy. Many congratulations to the little one for the effort you put through your Therapy hours and also many congratulations to the “Team Caring Vision Therapy Centre” for adding one more success to the list.

Patient Testimonial: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“It is the best vision therapy centre in Chennai. They are giving best treatment for all ages and special care is given to each person individually. My son is going for treatment in this centre for last 10 months, we are seeing lot of improvement. I need to mention the

patience with which each child is handled, never once have I seen Charu and others raise their voice when the child is not following their instructions. Instead, they play with the child, somehow coaxing them into following their instructions. The optometrists are top class and explain the ailment and treatment plan in detail. I am really happy to have enrolled my son for therapy here.”

Case 11: Traumatic Brain Injury & Multiple Concussion

Case 11: Traumatic Brain Injury & Multiple Concussion

One more successful & very interesting case of Neuro -Optometric Rehabilitation.

A 57 yrs. old / Female, an American Citizen visited to us with past history of multiple concussions and mTBI which affected her several areas in brain. She also gave a H/O Lyme Disease. She had severe symptoms of anxiety, nausea, dizziness along with poor reduced and delayed visual perceptual skills and constricted perceptual visual field. Her COVD Quality of life score was 63 and Post Trauma Vision Symptoms Survey score was 62.

Post 30 sessions of (Visual- Vestibular restoration Therapies & many more…), she improved drastically on her balance and much reduced dizziness. Her COVD Quality of life score and PTVSS score reduced to 30 and 31 respectively. She is also getting much better on her other areas along with visual efficiency skills day by day.

And here we are taking an opportunity to congratulate her on her achievements from the entire team of Caring Vision Therapy Centre





Case 12: Toe Walking In Autism Spectrum Disorder

Toe walking is a serious and frequently complained symptoms in the patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It’s very wide and common to see as a part of general behaviour in kids with AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER.

TOE walking mostly occurs in cases of retained primitive reflexes and also due to poor integration in between vision and vestibular functions. Children with ASD may toe walk due to their visual perception of normal being shifted so that they are on their toes versus typical walking. Their vision may be 20/20 but what is altered is the way they are interpreting what they see.

Generally the various reasons for TOE walking can be very well screened in a Developmental Optometry clinic and with the help of Yoke Prism Glasses, Great success can be achieved in a very short span of time. Yoke Prisms in general having a great ability to shift and correct the body posture and align the Centre Of Gravity while producing strong sense of change in patients visual space.

A 4 years old kid, known case of Autism Spectrum Disorder presented to us with his parents complaining of severe Toe Walking along with poor eye contact and side gazing.

During evaluation we found that kid was continuously walking on his Toes. We decided to give him the Yoke Prism trial and after wearing Yoke prism, he was completely grounded and started walking in a proper and normal way. The result was so spontaneous that parents were amazed and to get this they were trying very hard for past few years. We are so glad that we have helped this little kid. 

Case 13: Nystagmus & Low Vision

Here is a story of a 10 years female, a known case of Nystagmus and Low Vision presented to us with her parents complaining of poor vision, difficulty in reading and Nystagmus.

Her PRE-VT, best corrected visual acuity was OD: 6/60+, N24 @ 20cm and OS: 6/60+1, N24 @ 20 cm. Her oculomotor control (saccades & pursuits) was very poor with excessive head nodding movements noted. Her near point of convergence was reduced and noted as 50/65 (cm).Her Fixation status was- Central, Not Steady & Not Maintained. Her eye tracking results showed excessive Nystagmoid jerks during pursuits and saccades eye movements and reading test couldn’t be performed because of Low vision and excessive strain while fixating at near targets.

We started with our In-office vision therapy/ vision rehabilitation treatment programme. Her post VT best corrected visual acuity was noted as OD: 6/24-1, N10 @ 20cms & OS: 6/24-2, N10 @ 20 cm with strain. Her repeated eye movements results revealed much reduced nystagmoid jerks while doing saccades & pursuits test. Her reading speed was recorded this time as 97 words/ min.

Case 14: Vision Therapy in Action in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by severe deficits in socialization, communication, and repetitive or unusual behaviours. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder in the category of pervasive developmental disorder. According to the DSM-5 criteria for autism diagnosis adopted in May 2013, autism spectrum disorder involves “persistent impairment in reciprocal social communication and social interaction, and restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities present from early childhood and limit or impair everyday functioning.”

Visual Behaviour in ASD:

Visual behaviour for individuals with ASD includes photosensitivity, hyper and hypo sensitivity, anomalous colour perception processing, and difference in processing central and peripheral stimuli. Face processing, gaze shifts, visual integration with the other senses, and visual closure are affected as well. It has been also noted that motion processing, visual spatial and visual-motor processing and spatial awareness including visual neglect are anomalous. There are many other visual behaviours associated with ASD, such as looking at an object while tilting head and looking through the corner of the eyes, repetitious movements of the fingers and hands, often within the line of the subject’s

vision, stereotypical behaviour such as fixating on windows and blinds. Poor eye contact, fidgeting with objects, and looking at spinning objects are also some common symptoms and behaviour in ASD.

“Gaze aversion” (side gazing) is a visual behaviour frequently associated with ASD in which the individual looks away or avoids eye contact. Poor eye tracking and fixation skills are the most common reasons that contributes to this particular behaviour. Lateral vision or looking through the corner of the eyes has been attributed to faulty binocular processing and poor inter hemispheric integration.

Normalizing -Binocularity / Vergence functions is a key area to treat the Side Gazing (seeing through the corner of the eyes/ lateral vision) but getting the proper binocular cues as a subjective response sometimes becomes very challenging in non – verbal kids with AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER. Here is a little kid though he is not able to express his response but his actions speaks about his experience of seeing things in ultimate form of Binocular Vision (3D)- “STEREOPSIS”. Sometimes a sweet gesture (ACTION) is the answer to all the questions of Binocular Cues.

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