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Amblyopia is the medical term used for lazy eye. Amblyopia (lazy eye) is defined as deficiency of clear vision development in one or both eyes. It includes reasons other than an eye health roblem which cannot be improved with the help of glasses alone.

The term Lazy Eye is typically used when one eye is affected, basically one eye sees more clearly than the other one. The eye which sees clearly is supposed to perform most of the sighting, which makes us consider the other eye as lazy eye.

What Causes Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)?

In cases where the image of one eye is affected, the brain cannot efficiently combine the two images and it suppresses or turns off one of them. The continuous suppression of an image from one eye can lead to symptoms of Amblyopia Treatment in that particular eye.

Also, in cases where the images of both eyes are affected, the brain is never able to develop the ability to see clearly with both the eyes.

There can be more than a few reasons why the vision is affected:

Constant eye turn (strabismus) in one eye

Anisometropia (large differences in vision/prescriptions between the two eyes)
Ametropia (large prescription in both eyes)

Vision Therapy in Autism

Limited vision in one eye because of corporal issues inside the eye (for example, corneal opacity or cataract)
The visual system is planned in a way to make use of both the eyes to explore visual space. In such case, both the eyes see in the same way and the brain can easily combine the imageries, this is called binocular vision. An amblyope person has binocular vision; they are not so good at it. These persons are binocular peripherally and suppress centrally.

Amblyopia Treatment mostly affects one eye, but it may occur in both eyes as well.
Different types of Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

Refractive Amblyopia

In such cases, there is large differences in the vision/prescriptions amid both the eyes

Strabismic Amblyopia

Constant eye turn issues in only one eye

Deprivation Amblyopia

Limited vision in one eye because of corporal issues in the eye (for example, corneal opacity or cataract)

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) Symptoms

It is difficult to detect Amblyopia Treatment by simple observation. The most common pointer is a palpable exertion with depth perception. A person having trouble in throwing and catching objects, or is clumsy and always bumping into things may have amblyopia.

Amblyopia can be perceived at a school screening time, but this is not always possible. One of the main reasons it is important for children to go for an eye exam from the very starting years of life is because externally amblyopia is not understandable. There are kids who go for years already when their parents could identify there is some problem.

Children do find out how to function even with eye exercises for lazy eye. Sometimes, the brain overpowers the image from the eye, so there aren’t any double visuals and the child never realizes that the brain is doing such for the reason that the eye is being suppressed.

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) in Adults and Older Children

At times patients are told that there is no effective treatment or remedy for lazy eye if the child is more than eight years old, which isn’t true. Older children and adults with amblyopia can definitely be treated. Caring vision therapy center has successfully handled a number of such cases and the patients have got the eye exercises for lazy eye treatment.

The concept that adults and older children can’;t get treatment is grounded on a long-held, but improper, belief concerning the perilous period, which was earlier thought to end at age seven.

After the age of eight, Ambylopia rarely gets developed in the children, many doctors believe that brain’s capability to change wrt visual perception is restricted yonder this age.

In a recent research, also in years of proven success amid vision therapy patients, has made to prove this assumption wrong.

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) Treatment for Adults and Children

It’s miraculously great to see how clinical examination is backing what clinicians in the optometric vision therapy field have known for so many years.

Traditional treatment basically involves recommending glasses and then covering the stronger eye with an eye patch or using eye drops to blur the better-visioned eye while carrying out the daily activities. This is the most common method taken by many medical experts for amblyopia and the duration of the patching may vary from two to six hours per day reliant on the severity of the Amblyopia Treatment. Hence, patching and/or prescribing eyeglasses have been used to treat amblyopia often when diagnosed for children at a younger age.

We at Caring Vision Therapy centre adopts a multi model treatment approach to ensure the best visual outcomes in our patient’s which includes optometric syntonics phototherapy in combination with monocular visual skills training, Binocular/MFBF training while integrating Binocular vision training at the later stage which results into Stereostopic 3D vision in our patients. Vision Therapy in Autism. All these therapies are performed by the latest and world class equipment’s of international standards.

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