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A suitable Caring Vision therapy treatment program includes the following:

  • Therapies to shape or enhance visual skills. Performing certain visual activities and procedures by patients that shall help to precise the visual functioning of their eyes. These activities will be carried out at both places i.e. in our center and at patient’s home. Newly accomplished visual skills will be strengthened and made automatic through repetition and by combining of motor and cognitive skills.
  • Continue center visits to build visual skills and retain the track of patients.To get the best and most efficient results, regular visits to the centre will be required. There are many important visual activities done at the centre within the supervision of a vision therapist that are not possible to be done at home. Proper performance of supportive home activities is also supervised. Center visits will be usually 45 minutes in length. Certain patients do come weekly also but the frequency of the visits will depend on the diagnosis and severity of the patient’s problem.
  • Usage of numerous treatment devices:Caring Vision Therapy Center uses various treatment devices out of which some are listed below:
  • Corrective lenses
  • Therapeutic lenses
  • Prism lenses
  • Optical filters
  • Brock strings
  • Eye patches or occluders
  • Vectograms, Tranaglyphs & Stereo objects
  • Electronic targets with timing mechanisms
  • Computer software
  • Vestibular (balance) equipment
  • Visual-motor-sensory integration training devices

What can be the duration of the program?

The length of the treatment varies from patient to patient depending on the treatment and the exercises required. The supervising team of experts will be working on building patient’s visual-motor skills and endurance with the help of specialized computer and optical devices. Therapy programs ranges in length from few sessions to up to 1-2 years. Though most of the programs lasts between 6-9 months.

What about self-guided Caring Vision programs?

For effectiveness of the therapy program, an expert in the field of developmental optometry directs it. The visual system of a person is very complex, hence only a Developmental Optometrist with the proper skilled training is qualified to determine which techniques should be used for the particular person’s vision problem.

Are glasses prescribed?

In few cases, prescription lenses may be required for certain refractive conditions. Patients are observed by expert optometrists at Caring Vision clinic and further the opticians to serve the purpose as diagnosed by the Optometrist.

A developmental Optometrist method to prescribing lenses is based on functional vision and emphases on the underlying visual problem. When lenses are prescribed, it may serve any of the following functions:

Preventive lenses: To prevent a vision related problem from developing further.

Development lenses: To support the developing of visual skills and help manage the visual strain.

Remedial lenses: The prescribed glasses are a temporary fix for a certain problem; which is intended to provide a temporary solution measure until the therapy is completed. Once the therapy is successfully completed, a patient may get the glasses removed as well.

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